And God said, "Let there be light. And God saw that the light was good." - Genesis 1 :3&4
Light is life. It is here now...the present...this moment. Light penetrates hearts. We crave it. We bask in it. We are wired to wake up because of it. We eat and breath because of it.
When it's dark we look for it. We create our own light to avoid the darkness. In the night, we wait for morning; when it arrives we are thankful. Light wakes us up. It pulls us out of our homes. It makes us playful. Light gives warmth. Light gives sight and light gives life.
I look for light everyday. I love how it wraps around trees, mountains, hills, and people. I love how it penetrates water and pours through windows. I love that people smile in the sunshine.
I have come to the realization that I take photographs because I love to find light. I am drawn to it. I am a light scout. I am a creative. I am a Light Scout Creative, and I give thanks to One that said, "Let there be light."
This beautiful family is awesome. We took a break to let kids be kids.
I love the sun in her hair.
This reminds me that in every moment we leave something behind. Let's make it good.
Kids are amazing, funny, brave, insightful, honest, and beautiful.
Thank you for visiting.